Middle East & North Africa
Dr. Williams advised Egyptian civil society, members of Parliament, political parties, and the Constituent Assembly following the revolution.
Dr. Williams served as legal counsel to the Iraqi Constitutional Commission during the drafting of the 2005 constitution and provided legal assistance to the Iraqi government with the 2007 constitutional review process. He also provided legal assistance and judicial training to the Iraqi High Tribunal.
Dr. Williams assisted pro-democracy and civil society leaders in Yemen on issues related to its democratic transition and constitution drafting processes. He provided legal assistance to the UN mediator during the Yemen peace process on issues related to devolution of powers, transitional justice, and accountability mechanisms.
Dr. Williams provided legal and policy planning assistance to the Libyan Transitional National Council to promote the achievement of sustainable peace in Libya, including the establishment of transitional justice mechanisms and a post-conflict transition plan. He also provided assistance on the development of a post-conflict constitutional framework.
Dr. Williams provided legal assistance to Tunisian political party and civil society leaders to support the democratic transition process, including matters relating to constitution drafting and transitional justice.
Dr. Williams served as legal council to the Syrian opposition delegation to the Genevan Negotiations and provided legal and policy support to the Syrian National Council and opposition groups to promote a resolution to the conflict in Syria and to plan for a peaceful transition. He provided assistance on issues related to transition planning, constitution drafting, transitional justice, and peace negotiations.