Europe & Eurasia
Dr. Williams served as legal counsel to the Armenian delegation during the Key West peace negotiations.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Williams served as legal counsel to the Bosnian government during the Dayton peace negotiations and advised the government on the Brčko arbitration.
Czech Republic
Dr. Williams assisted a variety of Czech NGOs in their efforts to improve civic participation in industrial decisions that impact the environment.
The European Union
As an attorney at the State Department, Dr. Williams advised the US Department of State on legal matters concerning the integration of EU member states.
Dr. Williams assisted the Republic of Georgia in negotiations with the Russian government concerning the Georgia`````n territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Dr. Williams assisted the Government of Poland in drafting a new and comprehensive Law on the Environment.
Dr. Williams served as legal counsel to the Kosovar delegation during the Rambouillet negotiations. Dr. Williams also advised the Kosovar government during the Vienna final status negotiations and assisted in the drafting of the 2007 constitution.
Northern Cyprus
Dr. Williams provided legal assistance to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus during the peace process concerning the unification of Cyprus. He also advised the Northern Cypriots on their electoral rights within the European Union.
Dr. Williams advised the government of Nagorno-Karabakh on negotiations during the Minsk peace process and provided a comprehensive constitutional review for Nagorno-Karabakh.
The Former Yugoslavia
As an attorney at the State Department, Dr. Williams advised on questions relating to the dissolution of Yugoslavia, drafted Security Council resolutions, and was co-counsel for the Serbian sanctions task force.
Dr. Williams provided legal assistance to the Office of the Prosecutor of the Yugoslav Tribunal in The Hague with a team of Research Assistants.
Dr. Williams provided legal assistance to the Estonian government in negotiations with Russia concerning delineation and demarcation of the Russian-Estonian border. Dr. Williams also provided legal advice to Estonia on international standards relating to nationality, citizenship, and the protection of national minority rights for Russians and others living in Estonia.
Dr. Williams served as legal counsel to the Macedonian-Albanian delegation during the Skopje/Lake Ohrid peace negotiations. Additionally, he advised the President of Macedonia on the options available in the UN to overcome the impasse with Greece over use of the name “Republic of Macedonia.” At the request of the president, Dr. Williams also examined potential grounds for filing a case before the International Court of Justice.
Dutch Antilles
Dr. Williams assisted the government of the Dutch Antilles with legal issues pertaining to dissolution of their state structure.
As an attorney at the State Department, Dr. Williams advised the US Department of State on matters relating to the US-Canadian relationship.
The Former Soviet Union
As an attorney at the State Department, Dr. Williams advised on questions relating to state secession and recognition of states.
Dr. Williams served as legal counsel to the Montenegrin government during the negotiation of the Union Treaty with Serbia. He also provided legal assistance to the Montenegrin government in preparing for the 2006 referendum on independence and drafting the new constitution.